Thursday, May 1, 2008

so much to do, so little time...

So this weekend is mom’s weekend. And I have so much to do I can’t even think about the weekend. However I’ve made some big dents lately that make me happy…

Room clean…check!
Sheets washed…check!
Towels washed…check!
bathroom clean…check!
Kitchen clean…check!
Laundry done…check!
Tulips in vase…check!
Fish tank clean…check!
Monster groomed and beautiful…check!
Keeping Kevin sane…check!
Photos for 343 taken…check!

And then there’s the big list of crap still left to do…

Apartment vacuumed…
Sheets dried/replaced…
Rehang paintings in apartment…
Car cleaned…
Photos for 411 taken…
Photos for 343 developed…
Straigten-up Kevin’s room…
Scan all prints for website…
Get website up and going…
Finish my mounds of homework…
Apply for jobs…
Cure world hunger…
Create world peace…

In spite of all that crap, I think this weekend is going to be really fun! Kevin’s mom, his cousin Stephanie, and my mom are coming. Then lindsi and Sophia are coming down on Saturday for a few hours. That should be fun. She’s so cute! I think we’re going to see that Maid of Honor movie. Kevin has to work for part of the time. It’s no biggie though. His mom understands.

Speaking of Kevin, I’m sill worried about him. I really hope that he pulls through all of this. His eyes just look so empty. He looks so drained. I don’t know how to tell him anymore about how smart he is and how proud I am of all the work he does. If only he could see himself through my eyes. I want him to pull through this in one piece. He has too. I love him.

Aunt lisa and uncle gary said that Kevin and I could live with them while he takes that class at UCI this summer. I feel very blessed to have a family that really supports each other. They are so nice…especially to let me come back two summers in a row. Aren’t they sick of me yet? i just feel bad because 1. i have a dog and 2. we're going to take over their house again. i know they don't mind, they're family, my parents would do it for them, etc. but it still feels like an intrusion. i'll have to call and talk to them. Haha…Now all I have to do is convince Kevin. He really wants to be home. If that’s the case, maybe that’s the best thing for us. I just want to get him to wherever he needs to be in order to be himself again. If it does work out, I need to figure out a job there, figure out how much rent will cost to pay them and stuff. It will all work itself out, right? Somehow, it always does.

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