Tuesday, April 22, 2008

a life without regrets

everybody says they are so ready to jump out of college and into the real world right when it happens. i would say that is not true. all of you who told me that, you lie! unless, by jump you mean hold on as tightly as you can to your youth until someone strong enough to pry your fingers away from the edge comes along and watches you fall. okay, so i'm being a little dramatic but that's how it feels. for the past 23 years i've been so content to know what i'm doing each day and what's expected of me. i knew just how to skim past those expectations and still be the person i want to be. ahead of me, i'm looking at seven weeks until i'm pushed into the real world. everyday it's what are you doing after school? do you have a job lined up? where are you going live? are you scared? nervous? of course i am. that is the dumbest question. i am treading out into uncharted territory and i'm supposed to act like it's no big deal. i'm not worrying about money or a job right now...i'm just hoping that i continue to breathe.

the tentative plan is:
  • graduation party on June 14, 2008
  • graduate on June 15, 2008
  • move to southern california with kevin so he can finish up his final summer class at UCI
  • find a job in southern california (or if that doesn't work out, find a job in portland after his 6 week classes)
  • hopefully get engaged and start planning a wedding not too long after ;)
  • take life one day at a time
  • realize that everything that happens is out of my hands
  • have faith

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