Saturday, July 12, 2008

bad news...

i knew there was something wrong last night when monster didn't eat her dinner. she's not overweight, but this dog LOVES her food. she never, ever misses a meal. that clued me in that something wasn't right. then, this morning she started vomitting. poor thing. i hate that look after she throws up--that look that she flashes me that asks if she's in trouble. i feel so bad and just try to comfort her.

last night i also noticed a weird green discharge coming from her va-jay-jay. she just got spayed so i figured it may be a result of that. however, after reading about it on the internet i realized there was something wrong there, too.

so i called the vet this morning. she needed some bloodwork done. she has some kind of infection--either UTI or something else. she was given antibiotics and the doctor instructed me to refrain from giving her any of her pain meds from her spay.

so far, although she's hungry because she got a huge shot that requires her to fast until dinner, she seems in good spirits. just tired. poor thing.

and, not to be self-centered, but poor me. this secondary visit cost me an additional $160 bucks on top of the $230 to spay her! good grief. children are expensive ;P

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